miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020


Good morning guys!
Last week, we studied MATTER and its general properties. Remember, matter is everything around us that has mass and volume, for example my computer, the air, our clothes....
If you remember, there are four types of matter:
1 Pure substance (Sustancia pura) contain only 1 susbtance, for example water.
2. Mixture (Mezcla) contain 2 or more substances, for example a cake.
3.Heterogeneous mixtures ( Mezclas heterogéneas) you can see each of the components separately, for example a salad; and
4. Homogeneous mixtures ( Mezclas homogéneas) you can´t see the different ingredients, for example lemonade.
REPASO EN ESPAÑOL( Vemos el vídeo)
Today, we are going to talk about matter and how it changes.
1- Open your book on pages 76-77,  first, watch this video (page76) and read page 76 and 77.
2-  After watching the video, watch these videos related to states of matter.

3- Copy this mind map in your notebook. ( Recuerda antes de copiar el esquema, hay que escribir la fecha con bolí rojo: Wednesday 22nd of April 2020, usa la regla y cuida la limpieza).

If you have any doubts, just tell me! ( Os he puesto unas ayuditas en español)
Have a good day!🙂

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